Common Holly, English Holly (Ilex aquifolium)
The Common or English Holly is an oblong large shrub or small tree with a confusing array of branches. The attractive pea-sized red berries are poisonous. The margins of young leaves are spiny. Hollies can grow up to 300 years old.
The Common or English Holly is an oblong large shrub or small tree with a confusing array of branches. The attractive pea-sized red berries are poisonous. The margins of young leaves are spiny. Hollies can grow up to 300 years old.
Evergreen, thick leathery leaves. Elliptical to lance-like, 5-9cm long, 2-4cm wide, leaf stem 0.5-1.5cm long. The edges of young leaves are spine-toothed. Leave are poisonous.
Blatt Oberseite
Evergreen, thick leathery leaves. Elliptical to lance-like, 5-9cm long, 2-4cm wide, leaf stem 0.5-1.5cm long. The edges of young leaves are spine-toothed. Leave are poisonous.
Blatt Unterseite
Evergreen, thick leathery leaves. Elliptical to lance-like, 5-9cm long, 2-4cm wide, leaf stem 0.5-1.5cm long. The edges of young leaves are spine-toothed. Leave are poisonous.
Flowering period V-VI, inconspicuous white, mildly fragrant clusters of blossoms.
Dark grey bark, fairly smooth, grainy. Spined.
All parts of the plant are mildly toxic. Up to five berries can normally be consumed without the need for any treatment other than drinking ample quantities of liquid. Any larger quantities may lead to stomach pains, nausea and vomiting.
Afforestation, open fields, noise abatement, wind-break, bird protection, forage for honey-bees, parks, roadside verges, backyards, container plants, topiary, gardens, front gardens, verandas,
Central and northern Europe, Southern Europe, Southeastern Europe, Middle East, Asia Minor, Balkans, Mediterranean countries
Light: off-sun to shady, temperature: warm to cool, soil: slightly dry to moist, soil structure: normal to loose, soil depth: medium to deep, soil quality: medium, pH value: 5.0 to 7.0
Sun to shade; only in full sun if air and soil moisture remain constant; damaged by heat and dryness; grows in all well-drained, nutrient-rich substrates; avoid clay soil; a location where the shrub is protected from extremely low temperatures is best
Height of growth: 10m to 15m, spread: 4m to 5m, growth habits: compact, dense, erect, shrubby, compact crown
Evergreen, thick leathery leaves. Elliptical to lance-like, 5-9cm long, 2-4cm wide, leaf stem 0.5-1.5cm long. The edges of young leaves are spine-toothed. Leave are poisonous.
Flowering period V-VI, inconspicuous white, mildly fragrant clusters of blossoms.
Bright red, round berries with 2-4 stones, approx. 1cm in diameter. Appear in large numbers and persist for a long time. The berries are poisonous.
Dark grey bark, fairly smooth, grainy. Spined.
Deep-rooting, fine root system, fleshy roots, expansive root system