Midland Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata)
The Midland Hawthorn is a wild shrub typically found lining the edge of fields in Central Europe. Its thorns are 5-20mm long. The Midland Hawthorn flowers from early May onwards, with numerous erect white corymbs. The leaves have three to five lobes.
The Midland Hawthorn is a wild shrub typically found lining the edge of fields in Central Europe. Its thorns are 5-20mm long. The Midland Hawthorn flowers from early May onwards, with numerous erect white corymbs. The leaves have three to five lobes.
Ovate leaves, 3-5cm long, 2-4cm wide, leaf stem 1-2cm long. Notched edge. Leaves are glossy dark green above and pale grey-green below, turning yellow or orange in autumn.
Blatt Oberseite
Ovate leaves, 3-5cm long, 2-4cm wide, leaf stem 1-2cm long. Notched edge. Leaves are glossy dark green above and pale grey-green below, turning yellow or orange in autumn.
Blatt Unterseite
Ovate leaves, 3-5cm long, 2-4cm wide, leaf stem 1-2cm long. Notched edge. Leaves are glossy dark green above and pale grey-green below, turning yellow or orange in autumn.
Ovate leaves, 3-5cm long, 2-4cm wide, leaf stem 1-2cm long. Notched edge. Leaves are glossy dark green above and pale grey-green below, turning yellow or orange in autumn.
Flowering period: V-VI, numerous attractive white corymbs with 5-10 flowers each.
Ovate apple-like fruit, approx. 1cm in diameter, scarlet red in colour; extremely decorative, edible, but with a mealy taste.
Grey or grey-green bark, smooth when young, but with shallowly furrowed with age. Young branches are olive green or red-brown, initially hairy, later denuded.
Open country, open fields, tip afforestation, stabilization of shores, bird protection, forage for honey-bees, parks, urban areas, roadside verges, car parks, pedestrian precincts, topiary, gardens, front gardens, verandas
Germany, North Africa
Light: sunny to semi-shady, temperature: warm to normal, soil: slightly dry to moist, soil structure: firm to normal, soil depth: deep to very deep, soil quality: medium to high, pH value: 6.0 to 8.0
Fairly undemanding, prefers particularly rich loamy soil. Its natural location is at the edge of deciduous and pine forests
Height of growth: 3m to 4m, spread: 3m to 6m, normal growth potential, growth habits: tree-like, shrubby, spherical, semi-spherical, open-crowned
Ovate leaves, 3-5cm long, 2-4cm wide, leaf stem 1-2cm long. Notched edge. Leaves are glossy dark green above and pale grey-green below, turning yellow or orange in autumn.
Flowering period: V-VI, numerous attractive white corymbs with 5-10 flowers each.
Ovate apple-like fruit, approx. 1cm in diameter, scarlet red in colour; extremely decorative, edible, but with a mealy taste.
Grey or grey-green bark, smooth when young, but with shallowly furrowed with age. Young branches are olive green or red-brown, initially hairy, later denuded.
Deep-rooting with extensive root system