Burkwood Viburnum (Viburnum burkwoodii)
The Burkwood Viburnum is a highly fragrant variety for amateur viburnum growers, reaching heights of up to 2 m. After careful pruning, it may even flower a second time in autumn. In favourable climates, it serves as a striking evergreen eyecatcher even in winter and a favourite forage for honey-bees in summer and autumn.
The Burkwood Viburnum is a highly fragrant variety for amateur viburnum growers, reaching heights of up to 2 m. After careful pruning, it may even flower a second time in autumn. In favourable climates, it serves as a striking evergreen eyecatcher even in winter and a favourite forage for honey-bees in summer and autumn.
Ovate to elliptic short-stalked leaves. Margins entire or mildly serrated. 4 - 12 cm long, 2 - 6 cm wide, leaf stalk 0.5 - 1 cm long. Decussate arrangement. Leaves are rough, shiny dark green above, pale grey-green and highly tomentose below, tough-skinned. Feather-veined. Wintergreen also evergreen in favourable weather conditions.
Blatt Oberseite
Ovate to elliptic short-stalked leaves. Margins entire or mildly serrated. 4 - 12 cm long, 2 - 6 cm wide, leaf stalk 0.5 - 1 cm long. Decussate arrangement. Leaves are rough, shiny dark green above, pale grey-green and highly tomentose below, tough-skinned. Feather-veined. Wintergreen also evergreen in favourable weather conditions.
Blatt Unterseite
Ovate to elliptic short-stalked leaves. Margins entire or mildly serrated. 4 - 12 cm long, 2 - 6 cm wide, leaf stalk 0.5 - 1 cm long. Decussate arrangement. Leaves are rough, shiny dark green above, pale grey-green and highly tomentose below, tough-skinned. Feather-veined. Wintergreen also evergreen in favourable weather conditions.
Blue-black, elliptic stone fruit, reddish when young.
Olive-green branches with round cross-section.
Grouped plants, solitary plants, flowering shrubs, graves, container plants, honey-bee forage, bird forage
Northern and Central Europe
Light: full sun to off-sun; sufficiently frost-hardy; fume-hardy; tolerates urban climates and salty air; soil: fresh to moist; soil structure: well aerated, deep, sandy-loamy to loamy-clayey soil with high nutrient concentration; does not like compacted soil and stagnant moisture; pH value: slightly acid to alkaline.
For slightly acid to alkaline, well aerated soil. Soil compaction and stagnant moisture must be avoided. Tolerates urban climates, sufficiently frost-hardy, fume-hardy. Tolerates salty air.
Height of growth: 2 m - 3 m. Spread: 2 m - 3 m. Slow-growing, suckering, bushy decorative shrub.
Ovate to elliptic short-stalked leaves. Margins entire or mildly serrated. 4 - 12 cm long, 2 - 6 cm wide, leaf stalk 0.5 - 1 cm long. Decussate arrangement. Leaves are rough, shiny dark green above, pale grey-green and highly tomentose below, tough-skinned. Feather-veined. Wintergreen also evergreen in favourable weather conditions.
Flowering period: III-IV. Regularly flowers again in autumn. Pink, later white, highly fragrant blossoms, 1 cm wide. Inflorescence: 3 - 6 cm wide, particularly attractive cymes.
Blue-black, elliptic stone fruit, reddish when young.
Olive-green branches with round cross-section.