Discover here all you'll need to learn about the essentials of sharpening a saw chain correctly.
Each chain pitch is assigned for a specific round file diameter. Once known, choose the correct file diameter for your chain.
Use only special saw chain sharpening files. Your STIHL Approved Dealer has a wide selection of high quality files.
STIHL saw chains are generally filed to an angle of 30° - parallel to the service mark for the filing angle.
Hold the file so that one quarter of its diameter projects above the top plate.
If you can see dark areas on the cutting edge, the cutter is not yet sharp.
The cutting edge is properly sharpened when it is uniformly bright.
Once the master cutter is sharpened, file all the cutters in that row to the same length, then turn the chainsaw 180° and file all the cutters in the other row. All cutters must be the same length as the master cutter.
The depth gauge setting becomes smaller when the cutter is sharpened.
After sharpening the cutters, check the depth gauge setting and lower it if necessary.
Check the depth gauge setting with a filing gauge that matches the chain pitch.
Place the file gauge on the saw chain. If the depth gauge is higher than the filing gauge, it must be lowered.
Remove the filin gauge from the chain and then file down the depth gauge until it is level with the filing gauge.
File the top of the depth gauge parallel to the service mark - but do not lower the highest point of the depth gauge in this process. Take care not to touch the freshly sharpened cutter with the flat file.