Official STIHL Importer

STIHL special cleaner

STIHL special cleaner

Cleaner developed specially to remove organic substances like resin, oil and grass stains from saw chains, guide bars, cutters, circular saw blades and machine housings. For steel and diecast magnesium. Contains no phosphates or organic solvents. Surfactants are biodegradable.

Special cleaner designation:

  • 0000 881 9400 (500 ml spray bottle)
  • Organic ingredients (surfactants) biodegradable
  • Phosphate-free
  • Solvent-free
Typical applications:
  • Guide bars, chains, cutting attachments, machine housings
  • Cleaning dissolves organic substances like resin, oil and grass stains
How to use:
  • Spray tools and machinery with cleaner, wash off with water and rub dry with a cloth.
  • Protect against corrosion with Multispray after use.
  • Goggles should be worn while applying this product