Forestwear Classic Bib and brace - Design A
STANDARD Overall, green / orange warning, size 42
STANDARD Overall, green / orange warning, size 46
STANDARD Overall, green / orange warning, size 48
STANDARD Overall, green / orange warning, size 50
STANDARD Overall, green / orange warning, size 52
STANDARD Overall, green / orange warning, size 54
STANDARD Overall, green / orange warning, size 56
STANDARD Overall, green / orange warning, size 60
The version(s) available in each country may differ from the above range and specifications; specific details may be subject to change without notice. Please ask your local STIHL Approved Dealer for further information.
Technical data
Technical data
Technical data | Value |
Fabric weight g/qm | 200 |
FPA tested | Yes |
Size | 27" - 46" waist |
UV protection factor | 80 |
The version(s) available in each country may differ from the above range and specifications; specific details may be subject to change without notice. Please ask your local STIHL Approved Dealer for further information.
Standard features
The version(s) available in each country may differ from the above range and specifications; specific details may be subject to change without notice. Please ask your local STIHL Approved Dealer for further information.